23. oktober 2011


(For english scroll down)

ÆV ÆV ÆV... PAYPAL som håndterer en del betalinger på EBAY og internetbutikker verden over, har spærret min konto.
Da jeg har fået ny computer og internetforbindelse, så har de ment at jeg har været en fremmed som muligvis har forsøgt at få adgang til min konto.
Desværre har de blokeret for en betaling på en dvd jeg ville bestille hos den tidligere omtalt BUCKTRACK.
Det er den dvd jeg fortæller om tidligere i oktober måned.

Så nu har jeg bekræftiget min email hos dem.. igen.
De har bedt mig kontakte dem telefonisk. Men desværre svarer ingen på det nummer de har givet mig.
Prøve så på et andet nummer, men kan simpelthen ikke komme igennem til nogen der kan omstille mig til den person i supporten, som har bedt mig kontakte dem. De vil have email, telefonnumre osv... og har åbenbart meget svært ved at forstå mit engelske. Pussigt, har brugt det en del og har generelt ikke problemer med at kommunikere med amerikanere osv. Men har den trælse og bureukratiske dame i telefonen mistænkt for at være asiat, og tale med stærk asiatisk accent.

Har nu fået sendt dem en email fra min konto derinde, med et råb om hjælp, og jeg nok skal gøre hvad jeg kan for at få bekræftiget min identitet, selvom jeg har ny IP-adresse.
Desværre betyder det at jeg er noget til grin overfor Bruce, som ejer Bucktrack. Ville bare bestille hans dvd.
Og endnu mere pinligt når man jo er lidt en "fan" af ham.

Håber at snart få kontakt med dem og genåbnet min konto derinde. Er ret frustrerende at det skal være så svært at løse deres tvivl.

Paypal has restricted my account. All because I've gotten a new laptop and a new IP-adress.
Got a new internetprovider, and therefore it looks like I'm trying to logg on from another place.
So fore securityreasons, they have blocked me, and I can't pay for a dvd I ordered at bucktrack.com a few weeks ago.
I wrote about that dvd earlier this october.....see the blog for october.
So now I cant pay Bruce who runs Bucktrack for his dvd.... feel soo stupid and angry with paypal. Embarrassing when one is a bit of a fan of his work and adventures.

Just because my new IP-adress... I'm still the same person, same creditcard, I know passwords, I know extra security questions aso. I can also reply on ANY email they've got on that account.


They've mailed me a phonenumber to get in touch with, but they dont pick up the phone.
Bucktrack sent me another number. They pick up the phone there, but they wont let me speak with the person who ASKED ME TO CALL HER att the SUPPORT. Had MAJOR problems talking with the woman who picked up the phone.
Maby it a was a bad connection, when calling from halfway arround the world. But she finally gave up on me, and wanted me to talk to some specialist. Had an appointment shortly after... so got angry and hung up on them.

Found a place to contact them IN WRITING on paypal.com
So wrote them a detailed letter, asking them to get in touch with me A.S.A.P. So we can get all this sorted out. Just wanted that DVD.... and was untill now glad to be able to pay by using paypal.
But being told they are hard to handle, when having to contact and complain to them.

They seem to forget they are handling payments from all over the world.

Hope it works out... sad and frustrated about all this!!!!

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